February 20, 2009

On Sponsors

Filed under: Uncategorized — kneebar @ 10:49 am

Original article:   MMAPayout (As always, great work)

Spike TV has prohibited the UFC from running Full-Tilt Poker Sponsorships on their broadcasts.  This includes shorts, octagon coverage, etc.  Personally, I’m all for some sponsors being prohibited (Condom Depot) for contextual relation to a combat sporting event, mocking derision that the ads create for the fighters from new and prospective fans, and the general lameness of the whole thing.

From my understanding Full Tilt exists in a legal gray area, and demographically they trend near MMA’s target audience.  Hopefully, these changes won’t cause any hard losses to fighters and their potential revenue streams.  Hopefully, the UFC and Spike can find other advertisers to pick up the slack.

Also, will Spike or the UFC ever prohibit sponsors who they deem tasteless or offensive such as Jesus Didn’t Tap?

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